Our transparency & documentation


About us

We are currently working on the full, fancy „About us” page, in the meantime you can learn more about our Team on our „Join our team” page.

Questions regarding Non-governmental Aid for Ukraine Center (pcpu.pl)

Our registration acts and status

Legal registration notice

currently we are awaiting registration of growee foundation that will be an acting party in both growee.org and pcpu.pl projects. we have information from the registration court that they are clogged with registration requests in numbers higher then standard due to the russian invasion on ukraine. we will keep you posted, until further notice our legal entity relays solely on foundations and societies or other ngos supporting our projects.

The Growee Foundation (In Registration),
sygn. sprawy PO.VIII Ns-Rej.KRS 5808/22/379
(Sąd Rejonowy Poznań-Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru
Sądowego), ul. Piekary 22/3, 61-823 Poznań
Reprezentowana przez: Michał Osowski, tel. 691 382 146, NIP: 743 200 51 89