Opt-in Terms & Conditions

§1. This Opt-in Terms & Conditions are a supplement and an binding addition to the general Terms & Conditions. By accepting them you also accept the basic Terms & Conditions, as well as any terms listed within „Our transparency and documentation” section in the footer page (scroll down to the footer to see all of those). Basically the reason for which we have separated them into this page is for you to make it easier to read and understand if you have used the opt-in tools.

§2. By opt-in tools we understand the Optinmonster, you can read more about them here: https://optinmonster.com

§3. If you have used the solutions they provide, then you must know, that every right that the companies and partners from the general Terms & Conditions have, had and will have, now also are serving the Optinmonster, within the boundaries of our cooperation with them and their EULA, but trust us – we’ve checked and you are covered here.

§3. If you have any questions, you can reach us via the contact info. provided here: https://growee.org/home/get-notified/

§4. If you win a chance to win an iPad, it simply means that your e-mail will be in the bowl when we decide upon who will get a customized, green-back iPad that we are going to present soon. We will pull the cards when our Kickstarter launches, which should be release before the end of 2022.

§5. If you won any Groweecoins – that’s cool, they are worth nothing and one day, when we will add Groweecoin counter to our app we will do our best, to also take under consideration what Groweecoins you have earned previously due to eg. going through our opt-in tools. For now it’s more of a wink and a joke that we use to motivate you Guys. Our inspiration here are the points from the great show „Whose line is it anyways?”

§6. If you won the discount – the day we will launch on Kickstarter (and if we do so, but hey, you can donate to make sure it happens, right!?) there are going to be some rewards for pledging and you will have access to them for the lowered price.